Impact Grant Applications
2022 Application Process
No Longer Accepting Applications
The Foundation awards funding via a competitive grant process for educational initiatives. Through the generosity of our donors, the Education Foundation of New Berlin awards funds to teachers, staff, and administrators looking to start new programs or fund existing projects that make a high impact, and go above and beyond what is covered through public funding.
All School District of New Berlin teachers and staff are eligible and encouraged to apply. We accept individual and collaborative applications. Collaborative applicants work together to implement new strategies to improve instruction in individual classrooms, grade levels, departments, or programs. They may involve multiple schools, but they must work on a single program. All projects furthering excellence in education for School District of New Berlin schools and students will be considered; we prioritize innovative approaches to education and projects which clearly articulate a need or opportunity of high impact which is beyond the means of the district’s annual budget.
Proposals must demonstrate sustainability beyond the life of the grant. Applicants must submit the grant application form online. The Grants Committee will evaluate the quality of each grant request, confirm that applicants have secured all necessary approvals and rank the submissions based on the project, impact, enrichment, procedure, assessments, timeline, and budget. Once ranked by Committee, the EFNB Board will vote on whether to fund each request individually, beginning with those receiving the highest rankings and moving down the list until funds for the year have been allocated and/or all worthy applications have been funded.
The EFNB grant does not apply to formal graduate study, assembly speaker fees, field trips (unless incorporated into a larger program), transportation, lodging, multi-year requests, classroom parties, or food. Generally, the Education Foundation of New Berlin will not fund the same grant twice, although expansion of a previously funded project may be considered.
To apply for a grant, applicants must obtain the school principal’s approval– multiple school grants require all principals’ approval – as well as that of the Director of Technology if the grant program will utilize any technology and the Director of Buildings and Grounds for any submissions requesting equipment requiring installation.
The Education Foundation of New Berlin will consider requests up to $2,500. A maximum of $10,000 will be distributed this cycle.
Grant applications or questions must be fully submitted with proper approval on or before 4:59 PM January 14, 2022. Please submit applications online Grant recipients will be notified by February 15, 2022.
Grant recipients will agree to share a grant report at the conclusion of the project by the communicated due date in 2022 – this will be sent via google forms. You will be expected to share photos for publicity, social media and press releases. You may also be invited to attend and share information about the grant project and results at a New Berlin Education Foundation meeting or presentation. Grantees who do not provide reporting or responses to requests will be ineligible for future grants.